Ladakh...On The Road To Progress

Ladakh...On The Road To Progress
Ladakh, often called little Tibet, is in northwestern India. An ancient independent kingdom of Tibetan origin, it is isolated in the middle of the Himalayas, on the borders of Pakistan, China and Tibet. In 1960, it took the creation of one of the highest highways in the world to open Ladakh. In 1974 the highway was opened to tourists, and, in about forty years, Ladakh went from the age of yak caravans to that of 4X4 convoys!
High and cold plateau more than 3 000m, Ladakh is a mineral desert that has always been a victim of lack of rain and snow, and now it must deal with global warming and the retreat of glaciers.
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TRAILER_LADAKH...ON THE ROAD TO PROGRESS_1080_EN from sarasotafringefilms on Vimeo.
Sonam Wangchuk, creator of a modern, innovative irrigation system based on melting glacial ice, began to "green" the desert with plantations of thousands of willows and poplars. Then he created Secmol, a pilot school that's ecological, humanistic, and unique in Ladakh and perhaps in India.
We discover the country through seasonal change to better understand the environment and its inhabitants. We experience Its culture through its music, dances, festivals and the Buddhist rituals of the monasteries, their habitat, and traditional architecture. We follow its sports culture with polo and ice hockey.
Leh, its capital of 50,000 inhabitants, is the only city in Ladakh, where changes, modernism, and "progress" are shaking up traditions, but thanks to a few visionaries, Ladakh seems on the way to real progress adapted to the context of the country.
Academic Purchase Options for Ladakh...
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A Note About Our Academic, Institutional and Personal Pricing
Educational DVD with PPR: $150
Anytime you want to screen a film on campus, Public Performance Rights (PPR) needs to be obtained. Copyright law (USC 17§101) defines a public performance as occurring in a public space or if it is in any place if "a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its acquaintances" is gathered there. This would include classrooms, meeting rooms, auditoriums, dorm lounges, etc. However, copyright law (USC 17§110) also provides an exception for face-to-face teaching activities in a nonprofit educational institution.
Digital Site License with PPR: $200
A DSL grants educational institutions and/or non-profit organizations a limited license to host and stream a film online to students, faculty and staff on their password-protected server. This license is granted for three years. The key advantage of purchasing a DSL is that once uploaded, an unlimited number of viewers can access the film from multiple locations simultaneously.
DVD + DSL bundle PPR: $225
K-12, Non-profit, Public Library with PPR: $62.50
Personal DVD or File Download: $24.50
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