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"Andy Warhol's FactoryPeople"

Three hour series includes excerpts from over fifty hours of original interviews, hundreds of never before seen photos, exotic film clips, and a lot of very cool stuff . . . all backed by a mind-blowing original soundtrack.


The Academic Library Catalog 2025

Below is a complete listing of our Films that we have available for Academic Library release. Unless otherwise noted, rights can INCLUDE the DVD with PPR and DSL. Use of third-party streaming services is authorized. Academic licensees can also ask for a custom quote for single screenings. 

You can SCROLL DOWN and CLICK on each title BELOW to access details, screeners and clips of each film and place your DVD order via PayPal at each title location. If your system is not PayPal/Credit Card “friendly”, we will accept your purchase order or send you an invoice payable by check or credit card. For details on purchase orders, please contact:



FILMS AVAILABLE ON ACADEMIC DVD with PPR and Files for Streaming...

Billy: The Gatekeeper, the official in-house photographer and live-in master of Andy Warhol's Silver Factory takes us through an archive of his personal photos of life with Andy in the New York 1960s. A True UnCut raw film full of things you've always wanted to know about Andy..   

 Billy and the F Catalogue

Four absolutely stunning films about Brazil...

HISTORY:  O DESMONTE DO MONTE  “Dismantling of the Mountain” This film tells the story of Brazil, its native origins, founding, and development..all from the POV of the City of Rio.


Dismantling of the Mountain 

ANTHROPOLOGY: O SEGUNDO ENCONTRO “SECOND ENCOUNTER” A tribe of native peoples, first discovered in 1953 are reminded of their roots, and their discovery!

The Second Encounter 

ETHNOMUSICOLOGY: Origins of Brazilian Music: “XINGU” The story of the creation, sound and meaning of the flute to the native peoples of Brazil.


 Xingu: Brazilian Ethnomusicology

MUSIC CULTURE: The Seed of Brazilian Music: “SEMENTE” Changes in contemporary culture and how communities celebrate with music.


Semente...The Seed of Brazilian Music Culture

Our New Oil Series... 

The Story of Oil: The Challenges of the 21st Century 

The Story Of Oil: The Rise of OPEC 

The Story of Oil: The First 100 Years 



Narrated by Richard Gere, Blessings: The Tsoknyi Nangchen Nuns of Tibet, began in the summer of 2005 when renowned Buddhist teacher Tsoknyi Rinpoche led a small group of western women Buddhist practitioners to Nangchen, a remote nomadic region of eastern Tibet.

Go here:Blessings 


WHEN THE IRON BIRD FLIES takes us on an up-close and personal journey following the astounding path of one of the world's great spiritual traditions from the caves of Tibet to the mainstream of Western culture. Along the way, the film tackles the provocative exchanges between Buddhist practitioners and scholars and Western scientists, psychologists, and educators now at the heart of the emergence of a genuine Western tradition of Buddhism. 

Go here;  Iron Bird

New, From the Four-Part "How Andy Series"...  

How Andy Made A Painting is perhaps the most controversial film in the How Andy Series...True UnCut Tales Form Andy Warhol's Factory People. Based on interview materials that reveal the true nature of Andy's work and his 'zen' attitude towards the idea of 'more is better'.

How Andy Made A Painting 


New, From the Four-Part "How Andy" Series...

How Andy Discovered Edie and Invented A Superstar...A True UnCut Tale from Andy Warhol's Factory People, based on interviews that could not meet broadcast standards for television but were nonetheless revealing and surprising.

How Andy Invented A Superstar


The Song of the Missing Men...A Post War Road Trip Through Iraq

Paris-based filmmaker Layth Abdulamir travels his homeland country from south to north meeting with the people and learning how the war has impacted their many subcultures that have lived and worked side by side for centuries. For any western middle east enthusiast or student of islamic studies, this film is a must to understanding today's Iraq. Arabic with English subtitles. 

On the Roads to Santiago...Walking the Way of Saint James

During medieval times the roads and pathways of Europe were often clogged with christian pilgrims on thier way west to Santiago, Spain seeking religous indulgence. Today is a bit different as many "pilgrims" are trekking there for sport. 


A poor Mexican boy from the countryside creates a magical Piñata to share with his friends. How he does it all is an inspiration, and will charm any viewer...young or old.


This 70 minute film takes a look at Euorpean, Asian and American attitudes towards nuclear proliferation in the age of Trump and North Korea. Full screener linked. 2018 



This short film tells the story of wealthy Chicago woman in the gilded age and how she managed the a great fortune. Full screener link.


Araucaria Araucana 

Here is the story of the world's oldest living trees found primarily high in the Peruvian Andes. This is a tale of ecological Vs social Vs governmental influences confronting a species older than man. 

Merchants of Venice 

The current story of Venice and how its artisans and small shop keepers are being forced out by commercial interests favoring tourism. It's a sad tale that sheds light on the the supressed native culture, and what's being done by a few zealots to save the remnants. CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN fRENCH with Spanish and some English sub-titles. Request details about the coming full-english version.


Tenderloin...Love Me Tenderloin 

This Urban Studies film traces the past, present and future of the Tenderloin District and its people and cultures. A remarkable new film, sociologically significant to the concept of how people and great cities collide. 

A Gardener of Versailles 

Take a journey of care and planning that dates to the 17th century, and how the original ideas are lovingly managed and preserved. Oddly enough, this is a film of ecological, agricultural, and historical significance.

Cuba Son

This film takes lovers of Cuban and Latin culture to the other side of this famous mysterious island where the original "son" or authentic sound of the mountains is preserved. It's all seen trough the eyes on a world famous musical artist.This is the story of the true "country music" of Cuba.

The Story of Pytheas

Here is a unique film covering the world's earliest documented Greek mariner, navigator, and astrologist who sailed out of the Mediterranean to England centuries before anyone dared the trip, creating one on man's earliest trading routes. He could thank his "lucky stars"! 


This country has historically been one of the most mysterious, hard to reach destinations in the world. Now, modern culture is changing all that with the advent of new road systems which eliminate the idea of walking from point to point...trekking. Yes, there have been advantages to modernization, but also, disadvantages like pollution, and questionable cultural modifications.

The Story of Montmartre, Pleasure, Crime, and Art

Welcome to a fascinating historical overview of one of Paris' most fabulous districts. From its origins to the end of the 20th century and beyond it remains a combination of liberalism, debauchery, art, and partying like htere's no tomorrow. 


The King of Mambo! Perez Prado

Praso was a Cuban musician of distinction. A natural showman, and leader/film star and raconteur, he became the "Lawrence Welk of Cuba", and built a dynasty around a dance craze. Mambo! is for dancers, and lovers of Latin music and history.

The Soul in Peril...The Ezidis of Iraq

One of mankind's earliest monothiestic societies, who are the mysterious Ezidis? They have been persecuted for centuries. This new 72 minute feature documentary brings viewers up to date on their struggle in present day Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.


The Californians...The Story of California  

This classic 1980's documentary done for German Television has been rediscovered, refurbished and remastered. Although the picture condition is far form perfect, the story content is exceptional (never comprehensively approached in this manner). This rare, lost film tells the story of California from the nativist point of view.Running time 56 minutes.

In Hollywood's Backyard 

During the early 1970s, Topanga Canyon, nestled in the California mountans just behind Malibu, became a Mecca for many of Hollywood’s top musical performers. These musicians and their artist friends blended in naturally with the latter day hippies and long-time eccentrics that made up this laid-back community a 'stoners' throw from Los Angeles. Recently Remastered. Running time 52 minutes.

Skywalker...Close Encounters on the Appalachian Trail

This short 15 minute film presents Bill Walker and his story about walking the famed Appalachian trail. It's an inspirational short subject that points out, "If you really want to do something, you can!"

The “Andy Warhol’s Factory People” REVISED 83 minute Feature Documentary

This feature documentary updates the story of Warhol’s famous 1960s Silver Factory as told by the friends, superstars, and foes who worked with, partied with, filmed with, and slept with Andy from 1964 to 1968 in the Factory…many of whom have passed away since the original three hour series was produced in 2008.

"On The Bus With Basie…A Jazz Trumpet Life and The Al Aarons Archive"

Here is a double DVD documentary and oral archive that presents true stories of life on the road with the Count Basie Band in 1960’s America as told by Aarons, the recently deceased last trumpet player from of the original Basie Orchestra and the full story of his career.

“Musik From the Weimar and Beyond” and “I’m A Stranger Here Myself”

This package is a double DVD set that archives an illustrated conversation about the music of the Weimar-Cabaret era with writer, producer, entertainer Mark Nadler, AND a 90 minute telefilm of his successful Off Broadway Show.

"The Sivananda Yoga Video"

A classic one-hour, how-to film that works for beginners and experts alike. Filmed on Paradise Island in the Bahamas, amazing footage and nature scenes become the backdrop for learning hatha yoga and the well-being that the process offers to those willing to try and those continuing to learn.

"Alvaro Mutis, The Lookout" 

An entertaining one hour film, The Lookout introduces viewers who are passionate about Latin Literature to Alvaro Mutis, his poems and novels, his characters, and reflections on his life from his long-time friend Gabriel Garcia Marquez. “…North Americans may be reminded of Melville-more a matter, perhaps, of affinity than of influence.” –John Updike.

"Frank Sinatra , Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin The Hollywood Rat Pack Biography Series" 

 This three DVD biography program series presents the lives and times of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin, three major film-music-entertainment stars, who spent a hell of a lot of their time working and playing together during the 60’s and 70’s.  Each program in this series is the definitive original A&E bio which tells the whole life story of the artist. 



"Red Light Go!...Bike Messenger Racing and Culture in New York City" 

 They’re different folks with a raison d’etre that defies conventional society.Getting around in New York City is in itself a challenge. Being a bike messenger requires skills that are both athletic and cunning, and their challenge is not only to provide their service but also to do it in jig time. For them it’s a bit like golf…playing against themselves, daily. Just like busmen, their free time is devoted to Alleycat Racing and learning more about how to deal with the challenge of New York City people and traffic. 

"Sinatra Makes Movies"

 Known primarily for his awesome classic recording talents, Sinatra was also an Oscar-winning actor. His talented ability for lyrical phrasing was a gift he lent to his silver screen abilities. This 45 minute film reminds us of all the amazing films in which he acted, produced and starred. 

New Film From the Four-Part "How Andy" Series...

"How Andy Discovered Lou Reed The Velvet Underground and Nico

Along with his Art in the Silver Factory era of the 1960's, Andy discovered Lou Reed and created the Exploding Plastic Inevitable Multimedia Show. This 45-minute film, cut from the time-coded work-tapes of our original 50 hour archive tells the full story through the voices, clips, and photos of those 'Factory People" who were there with him at the time. This very unique film is a Music, Art & Film Studies must! 

New Film From the Four-Part "How Andy" Series...

How Andy (Warhol) Made A Movie....True Uncut Tales From The Factory People Archive

Along with his Art in the Silver Factory era of the 1960's, Andy learned to make movies. This 50-minute film, cut from the time-coded work-tapes of our original 50 hour archive tells the full story through the voices, clips, and photos of those 'Factory People" who were there with him at the time. This very unique film is an Art & Film Studies must!  

"Making A Killing" historically traces the symbiotic relationship between the American military and the American capitalist system

From the early days of 19th century Manifest Destiny to Eisenhower’s 20th century warning about the encroaching power of the ‘military industrial complex’ to today’s Global War On Terror, the business of war has fueled the American way.

‘Andy Warhol’s Factory People’

The Three Hour Television Series (Three DVD Set)

‘Andy Warhol’s Factory People’ tells the story of Warhol and his friends, superstars, enemies, and hangers on who were there with him in his Silver Factory, 1964-1968. Five years in the making, and edited from 50 hours of interviews with the survivors, the film starts in the late fifties when Andy came to NYC from Pittsburgh, and began to collect a group of people who were there with him when he opened the Silver Factory in 1964, and closed in 1968 just before he was shot by Valerie Solanis, when the Factory Idea became commercial, professionalized and a money making machine.

‘Andy Warhol’s Factory People’

Feature Documentary Version  100 Minute Director's Cut Original Version. The Producers have made a feature length version of the original three hour series. 


‘The Warhol Factory People Interview Archive’

Twenty Four Hours, Twelve DVD Set, PLUS Two Original Music CDs

This amazing archive of filmed interviews, photos, and archive clips represents a comprehensive collection of the thoughts and memories of many of those who were there with Warhol inside the Silver Factory. Some of this material was edited into the original three-part film series, but during the production, the producers realized the value in doing long-form interviews with the respondents for reference by future generations of Warhol scholars, students and fans. We kept the cameras rolling to get all of the stories.

The University Edition Factory People Book 

The University Edition Factory People Book offers a creatively written and presented oral history of the Silver Factory era spanning1964 to1968, arguably Warhol's busiest and most creative period. 

Michael Sand, Executive Editor for Little Brown and Company commented: “Pat Strachan has shared Catherine O’Sullivan Shorr’s Factory People (Book) with me and I great(ly) enjoyed reading (it). There is certainly no shortage of colorful material here and some strong visuals. Catherine’s insider perspective gives it authenticity, and I like her voice in the mix. The oral history approach will set this book apart.”

'Oil: The Epic of Black Gold'

Six Hour Series ( Six DVD Set)

‘The Epic of Black Gold’ is a landmark six-hour series designed to enlighten and provide some answers to one of the most important paradoxes of our time…Oil. It is key to everyday life on this planet, yet beyond a few experts, very few people really understand its story and the mechanisms of its economy.

On the Road Naked...Inside the Mind of William S. Burroughs

Documentary 52 Minutes

‘On The Road Naked’ takes us on a terrifying, hallucinogenic ride: For us, a mesmerizing horror movie, for Borroughs, his reality. Subliminal nightmarish messages repulse yet fascinate. We cannot take our eyes away from the Hieronymus Bosch interior of this tortured, convoluted mind. Have we ‘Burroughed’ into the brain of a junkie or a genius? Or both? Documentary 52 Minutes


'Guilty of Being Me...The Rise and Fall of Phil Spector'

The  trials of world-famous music producer Phil Spector made headline news around the globe. After losing the O.J. Simpson case, and other high profile entanglements, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office was itching for a winner. They lost round one, but got a conviction on appeal. 'Rise and Fall' is the story of a talented man who enjoyed the fruits of an incredibly successful music career, but it’s also the story of a man who continuously fostered a psychotic-abusive nature towards women. 

‘Frida Kahlo…Between Passion and Pain’

Documentary 52 Minutes

‘Frida Kahlo…Between Passion and Pain’, was filmed on location in her birthplace, Mexico. The film contains never before seen archive footage, and focuses not only on her remarkable paintings but also on her own words drawn from her private diaries.

‘Fernando Botero…The Rebel’

Documentary 52 Minutes

Born in 1932 into the abject poverty of Medellín, Colombia, Fernando Botero is now considered the most famous living artist in the world, and also the wealthiest. And he makes no qualms about it: "Life is such an adventure when you are poor,” he is fond of saying. “To be without money is a great experience".

 ‘Gabriel Garcia Marquez…A Witch Writing’

Documentary 52 Minutes

The Nobel prize-winning author of such luminous novels as 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' and 'Love In The Time Of Cholera', Marquez was born in 1928 in the tiny Caribbean village of Aracataca, situated in a tropical region of northern Colombia in the home of his grandfather, a pensioned colonel from the civil war at the beginning of the century. This is the setting for the imaginary, magical world of his writing, and the setting for this very special film…a wondrous recreation of the life and times that gave birth to his own lyrical creations…a Biography inn his own words. 

'Joseph Brodsky...In the Prison of Latitudes'

Documentary Feature 60 Minutes

‘Joseph Brodsky…In the Prison of Latitudes’ is a documentary portrait of Joseph Brodsky (American Poet Laureate and Nobel Prize winner), one of the world’s most extraordinary poets and essayists.  According to filmmaker Jan Andrews, Mikhail Baryshnikov, famed dancer, choreographer, and close friend of Brodsky, has called this film—shot on location in New York, St. Petersburg, and Venice—“The very best ever done on the subject.”

Ali Farka Toure...The Blues Man from Timbuktu

Documentary 52 Minutes

Critics and fans alike have compared the music of Grammy Award winner Ali Farka Toure to the Soul-Blues magic of greats like B.B. King, John Lee Hooker...even Eric Clapton. Ironically he had never heard their “sound” before creating his music. Amazingly, his sound is authentic Blues....and through it, we can hear the native roots, the origins of the Afro-centric rhythms found in Soul, Blues and Jazz! 

‘Bogart, Grant, Stewart…The Hollywood Leading Men Series’

Three One-Hour Documentaries (Three DVD’s)

Originally produced in association with A&E Television Network,  Millenial Entertainment created three of the finest (and most expensive) Biography Programs ever produced. Planet Group Entertainment acquired world rights in 1995. The Planet team has made further enhancements to the program beds over the past five years to create THE definitive film biographies of these Hollywood Stars, complete with additional interviews and archive clips.

‘Circus Sarasota…Restoring and Preserving Circus Arts in America’

A Documentary Feature. 70 Minutes

Pedro Reis and Dolly Jacobs, Co-Founders of Circus Sarasota tell the story of Circus, yesterday, today and tomorrow in this important, entertaining film about Circus and where it's going in America.

‘Rx Music!..Doctors Deliver the Best Medicine’

A Documentary Feature  56 Minutes

‘Rx: Music!’ is the fascinating story about a group of medical professionals, obsessed with playing music, form their own bands, and challenge each other to a “no holds barred” battle of the bands. The film takes us deep inside the medical mind, visiting the doctors at their offices, following their musical practices, going to their evening gigs, and winding up at a concert where twelve competing bands made up of doctors let it all out. What drives them? They think their passion for music makes them better doctors! 


‘Saddam Hussein…The Master of Baghdad’

Documentary 52 Minutes

The Film tells the story of Saddam and his incredible ability to survive for years in spite of the ruination of his own country. Elements in the film include propaganda materials, confidential and secret documents spirited out of the country, testimonies with politicians and former followers and personalities from the world stage who have dealt directly with the man. SADDAM was originally produced and released in 2003, just prior to the start of the war. "SADDAM, The Final Chapter" was completed in October 2004 and it incorporates his capture and elements leading to his trial.


‘Stalin…The Funeral of a God’

Documentary 52 Minutes

Rare color footage shot by one of the Soviet Union’s greatest filmmakers, Mikheil Chiaureli, who was responsible for the film “The Fall of Berlin” has been restored and edited into what can best be described as a ‘you are there’ at the funeral of Stalin. The Great Hall in Moscow glitters in candlelight, and at the same time, we witness simultaneous memorial services all over the communist world of the early 50’s: China, Korea…all of the Russian Eastern European satellite states.

'Chekhov and Maria'

Dramatic Feature Film 

The year is 1901.  Handsome, charismatic Russian doctor and playwright Anton (Antosha) Chekhov has just married his lover, Olga Knipper, a beautiful actress with the Moscow Art Theater.  “Medicine is my lawful wife.  Literature is my mistress,” he’d once claimed.  Now, seriously ill with tuberculosis, he returns to his home in Yalta to be with Maria, his jealous-obsessive sister. He stops by the sea to gather his thoughts.   And pocket his new wedding ring. The seeds have been sown for another of Chekhov’s famous plays, this time a family drama (some would say melodrama) which will eventually find its way to the world stage.

‘Paris Musette…The Story of the Accordian Sound of Paris’

Documentary 52 Minutes

‘Paris Musette’ brings us all of the color of the origins of the original French accordion sound against montage archives, along with beautifully performed renditions of famous Paris melodies danced by professional re-enactors in the old clubs of the Bastille and on the floating dance-hall “guinguettes” along the river Marne. The film presents 100 years of life in Paris, classic film clips, archive musical material and re-enactment’s...all exquisitely mixed with traditional music and dance. 

‘I, Tarzan…The True Story of Edgar Rice Burroughs’

Documentary 52 Minutes

The gates of the Burroughs Estate open wide to reveal a fascinating tale...the True Story of Tarzan, the near-mythological hero of a magical Africa that existed only in the mind of Edgar Rice Burroughs. We tour the halls of a great Estate and meet a unique group of enthusiasts including Jimmy Blanche, whose life’s passion has been to chronicle all things Tarzan. Blanch tells us that yes indeed, there might have been a REAL Tarzan...a mystical young man he interviewed briefly some years ago. The story is magical, and the possibility makes the mind race.

Harlem Black Hope...

Documentary 52 Minutes

The viewer comes face to face with the dreams and realities of a community that feels its time has come. It's the 2008 Barack Obama election season. The people of Harlem are prideful, sure of themselves and their future of attaining the American Dream.  The irony of course is that the “Hope” has been dashed for all America as those at the bottom continue to dream and those at the top continue upward.  What has changed? This film is more relevant than ever.

Havana Hip-Hop Underground

Today in Cuba rap music is, without question, a very pow­er­ful vec­tor of the free­dom of expres­sion being allowed by the state and some­times pro­moted by it. Our international filmmakers, with unlimited access to Cuba, present that story. The Castro regime, although very much ques­tioned in the news by those pay­ing atten­tion to the expres­sion of opin­ions on the island, has enabled about 600 rap music of obser­va­tion of the open direction in which Cuban society is heading.bands to flourish. Com­pared to its North Amer­i­can neigh­bor, and despite its dom­i­na­tion, Cuban rap is a good means  52 Minutes

History Will Tell...The Huber Matos Benitez Story

An influential voice behind Castro’s Revolution, Matos Benitez recently died in Miami at the age of 95. A high-level revolutionary,  Matos Benitez wound up in Castro’s prison as Marxist philosophy took hold and freedom and democracy were repressed. Here is the story of this one important man in his own words. As a revolutionary, Huber Matos Benitez assisted Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and other members of the 26th July Movement in overthrowing the Batista dictatorship as a full Comandante of the Cuban Revolution. 52 Minutes

Panama Canal, The Longest Shortcut

The building of the Panama Canal was one of history's greatest engineering achievements. For more than 50 years, men, nations and technology were pitted against the climate, diseases and terrain of Panama in a struggle that was as dramatic and costly as any war. In this classic documentary, the historic event is brought to life by hundreds of archival photographs dating from 1850 to 1914. 28 minutes