Red Light Go! ....Bike Messenger Racing and Culture in NYC

Bike Messengers…NYC They’re a culture unto themselves! Their form of sport is called Alleycat Racing, and it was started in major cities around the world in the early 90s.
They’re different folks with a raison d’etre that defies conventional society. Getting around in New York City is in itself a challenge. Being a bike messenger requires skills that are both athletic and cunning, and their challenge is not only to provide their service but also to do it in jig time. For them it’s a bit like golf…playing against themselves, daily. Just like busmen, their free time is devoted to Alleycat Racing and learning more about how to deal with the challenge of New York City people and traffic.
Occasionally they congregate among themselves for some good-natured fun, all of which involves a form of casual competition. Sort of like road rally enthusiasts, they devise schemes and events to test their individual skills against each other in a kind of ‘beat the clock’ fashion. And that’s the point of this very funny counter-culture film…taking the viewer inside of their world in a unique way. Allowing those on the outside to see their point of view and experience their approach to life!
Watch the trailer here...
RED LIGHT GO...BIKE MESSENGER RACING IN NEW YORK from sarasotafringefilms on Vimeo.
Red Light, Go! Is more than a documentary about bike messengers; it’s a statement of a way of life that had Paris as its earliest roots, but where it flourishes full force is in NYC. You will never look at a bike messenger the same way after you see this amazing film!
Stream Red Light Go on KANOPY
Academic and Personal Purchase Options Red Light Go!
A Note About Our Personal, Academic and Public Library Pricing
Educational DVD with PPR: $150
Anytime you want to screen a film on campus, Public Performance Rights (PPR) needs to be obtained. Copyright law (USC 17§101) defines a public performance as occurring in a public space or if it is in any place if "a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its acquaintances" is gathered there. This would include classrooms, meeting rooms, auditoriums, dorm lounges, etc. However, copyright law (USC 17§110) also provides an exception for face-to-face teaching activities in a nonprofit educational institution.
Digital Site License with PPR: $200
A DSL grants educational institutions and/or non-profit organizations a LIFE OF FILE license to host and stream a film online to students, faculty and staff on their password-protected server. This license is granted for three years. The key advantage of purchasing a DSL is that once uploaded, an unlimited number of viewers can access the film from multiple locations simultaneously.
DVD + DSL bundle PPR: $225
K-12, Non-profit, Public Library with PPR: $62.50
Personal DVD or File Download: $24.50